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Timneh Parrot

Psittacus timneh
Conservation Status: 
West Africa
Dense forest, savannah woodland, mangroves, and gallery forest.
Timneh Parrots are mottled grey with a dark maroon tail. They have a hooked beak that is mainly dark grey, with a tan patch on top.
They feed on nuts, seeds, berries, fruits, and other plant parts.
They are social birds but tend to interact primarily with individuals of the same species. They roost in trees located on islands in rivers.
These parrots are partially ground feeders. They gather in a barren tree until it is filled with hundreds of birds. They engage in preening, climbing, vocalizing, and socializing. Eventually, they descend to the ground. However, the entire group is never on the ground at the same time, and they remain highly vigilant, responding to any sound or movement they detect.
Pairs of parrots typically select their own tree for breeding. Sexual maturity occurs around 3 to 5 years of age, and like many other parrots, they carefully choose a mate for life. They utilize tree cavities for nesting and have been observed performing display flights and mating dances (which involve drooping their wings) outside the nest cavities. Males feed the females during courtship, and both partners produce soft, monotonous tones. Females incubate the eggs while males assist in guarding and providing food. Timneh Parrots breed once or twice a year, usually during the dry season. They lay 3 to 5 eggs, but one at a time, with intervals of 2 to 5 days.
Timneh Parrots have a lifespan of 40 to 50 years.