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Sugar Glider

Petaurus breviceps
Conservation Status: 
Least Concern
Australia, New Guinea, Tasmania
Coastal forests
Sugar Gliders are known for their gliding abilities which can reach up to 90 meters between trees. The gliding membrane that allows them to reach such distances extends from their wrist to their ankle. Sugar Gliders get their name from their ability to eat nectar. Their diet also includes tree sap, flowers, pollen, and bugs.
Sugar Gliders can live 4-5 years in their natural environments. They can be found in large groups during the cold winter months to conserve energy. They can enter torpor, a short hibernation period that decreases their metabolism and body temperature.  They can enter this state daily for 13 hours at a time.
They are a marsupial, carrying their young in a pouch. They usually have two young per litter and emerge from the pouch after 60-70 days, remaining in the nest for another 50 days. The young will forage with their mother until they are 7-10 months old; however, males generally assist in caring for the young gliders as well. The dominant male will mark his territory with saliva and a scent produced by glands located on his forehead and chest.
Native predators within their range include Kookaburras, owls, and snakes.  They are also being threatened by habitat destruction and fragmentation. Overall, their conservation status is of Least Concern on the IUCN Red List.